Why Choose Us?


Kaytent INdustries is an ISO 9001-2008 certified company providing. We follow Global Standards in our policies and work ethos.

We follow Global Standards

Human Rights

We ensure that we are not complicit in any Human Right Abuse.
We support and respect the protection of International Human Rights.

Worker practices

We do not employ child workers in any form and ensure that our vendors don’t either. We uphold the freedom of associations and the right to collective bargaining by the workforce.


We strive to reduce our impact on the environment through a commitment to continual improvement. We assess the production, use, and disposal associated with the goods we use. We aim to keep customers informed of the key issues involved in procurement so they can make informed purchases and reduce their impact on the environment.


We strive to reduce our impact on the environment through a commitment to continual improvement. We assess the production, use, and disposal associated with the goods we use. We aim to keep customers informed of the key issues involved in procurement so they can make informed purchases and reduce their impact on the environment.


We aim to collaborate with individuals & organizations without distinguishing between caste, religion, or gender. A proper working environment and facilities like toilet, kitchen/pantry are provided to all No workers are forced to work beyond laid down working hours.

Ethics and Ethical Business

We are committed to ensuring transparency in our Supply chains, so we monitor the practices followed by our vendors. Training is provided to relevant people on environmental and social issues affecting our supply chains.